

The translation of an article from the Facebook of 
Mrs. Jennifer E. Salmon
a kind ,nice & beautiful woman. She is the 76th President in the North Crolina Junior Charmber. She paid a visit to the Presidential Office Taipei,Taiwan on 21th Nov.2012.As a Volunteer I got the honor to receive her. Before her Birthday on 7th March 2014,She post these wisdom words. With pleasure I translate the article for all of my Facebook Friends.
on 19th March in Greensboro, NC, United States







A very beautiful and thought provoking message.
Life is like a journey on a train...with its stations...with changes of routes...and with accidents! At birth we boarded the train and met our parents, and we believe they will always travel on our side. However, at some station our parents will step down from the train, leaving us on this journey alone. As time goes by, other people will board the train; and they will be significant i.e. our siblings, friends, children, and even the love of our life. Many will step down and leave a permanent vacuum. Others will go so unnoticed that we don't realize that they vacated their seats! This train ride will be full of joy, sorrow, fantasy, expectations, hellos, goodbyes, and farewells 
Success consists of having a good relationship with all passengers...requiring that we give the best of ourselves. The mystery to everyone is: We do not know at which station we ourselves will step down. So, we must live in the best way - love, forgive, and offer the best of who we are.
It is important to do this because when the time comes for us to step down and leave our seat empty -- we should leave behind beautiful memories for those who will continue to travel on the train of life. 
I wish you a joyful journey for the coming year on the train of life. Reap success and give lots of love.
More importantly, thank God for the journey! Lastly, I thank you for being one of the passengers on my train! https://www.facebook.com/jennifer.e.salmon…


林賢亮與其美國友人  珍妮佛女士:



A successful woman not only has the strong mind with good looking,but also has a good heart with imposing face.




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